Kwain Draw Hug

I remember when I saw the spoiler for Kwain, Itinerant Meddler! I immediately knew I had to build it! It’s one thing to assure your pod that you are playing a group hug deck and fully another for them to see a group hug commander in the command zone. That being said this deck wins quite a lot. It gives away a ton of card draw but has a lot of wincons that really do well in high power casual pods. Let’s take a look! Moxfield link here!

This deck gives away an immense amount of cards very consistently. And that brings us to wincon number one. Its big it’s flashy and it is mostly just for distracting from the mid game threats. That being said sometimes the table just doesn’t have an answer and they die to your giant creatures. But usually giving away card draw means there is removal at the table in abundance…

That’s where the next round of wincons come in! Academy Rector is a heck of a rattlesnake card. No one wants to attack into it or remove it for obvious reasons!

What if no one wants to kill your Academy Rector? Spoiler alert: They are smart people, that’s why you play Magic with them, so they won’t! Well you can just blow up the rector yourself… And also since your playgroup is smart they will be trying to kill you with all the cards you helped them draw! That’s where all these board wipes come in handy! Damning Verdict is particularly good and can feel like an asymetrical board wipe if you have a few large creatures that have been pumped up by card draw (see wincon number one above)!

Sometimes blowing up all the creatures isn’t what you wanna do but there is a particularly scary creature on the board? That’s where this set of cards comes in! Just be aware that the Goad mechanic doesn’t protect you if there are only you and another player left in the game! Why did they have to add that “if able” to the end of the rule text???




Kodama Sakashima Turbo Hug