Chulane Crater Hug

I think Chulane, Teller of Tales is without a doubt a powerful engine for any type of deck! He solves both card draw and ramp on a single card. So it should come as no surprise that Chulane Crater Hug is my winningest group hug deck to date!

When building group hug you automatically put yourself at a disadvantage. You are ramping and drawing cards for yourself and the other players at the table but they are also drawing cards and ramping for themselves too! That’s where Chulane comes in. Every time you play a group hug creature you get to draw and ramp! This evens the playing field considerably. In fact in most games it upends the playing field!

Dorks, dorks, dorks! By turn six or seven you can imagine what the board looks like! Tons of creatures that don’t really look too intimidating. But a blend of group hug creatures and mana dorks can be devastating in the right circumstances…

Aluren is a complete slam dunk in this deck! It is symmetrical too so the other players might think that they will benefit from it as much as you do… They will be wrong!

Dream Halls is also a fun card in this deck and can be helpful when playing the few high cost permanents in the deck. Such as Omniscience. But what it does even more effectively is get your opponents to even further reduce their card advantage by discarding cards to play cards for free!

So the trap is set now and based on the name you probably already know what card is the key component in springing said trap…

Craterhoof Behemoth is a heck of a Magic card and it doesn’t disappoint in this deck! It can finish off the whole table in a single turn. Concordant Crossroads can make it even more surprising in this deck. You can play out a ton of small creatures, drop Craterhoof, save a mana for Concordant Crossroads and it’s game over!

Thanks for reading this deck tech! For a full deck-list over at Moxfield click here!



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