July 5th, 2021

Oath of Hugs

Back in 1998 the Exodus set was released and with it four of my favorite Magic cards ever printed! The Oaths are so impactful to every game they are played in because they function as equalizers for resources. I feel like each and every one is a flavor win too!

Oath of Lieges is one of my favorite group hug cards for very obvious reasons! First of all it does in white, what Wizards should have been doing since the beginning and have only recently started doing again. Catch up or equalization ramp is so good and feels like the right flavor for white! It does it for the whole table and has on multiple occasions saved the mana shorted player at the table from a very boring gameplay experience!

Oath of Scholars is a little weird but it has some very interesting uses in a graveyard deck. let’s face it there is always a player at the table with more cards than you if you are playing a graveyard deck! And having only three cards in hand when you are basically using your whole graveyard as your hand is no big deal. Cards like Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator make this strategy a consistent way to hit all of your land drops too!

Oath of Ghouls isn’t as universally useful as the previous two and it is possible that it can allow problematic creatures to be recurred and continue to plague the game. But it is symmetrical and it does make for interesting games! Just be aware that it will help some players way more than others.

Oath of Mages is works on equalizing life totals one point at a time. It doesn’t seem very impactful but I find that it does a lot to accelerate a game because it starts little scuffles that end up making people attack each other! Which is very red!

Oath of Druids is huge and very good in both creature and graveyard decks! Being able to flip cards until you hit a creature (and put it into play) then put the rest into your graveyard is amazing! Some players do hate mill but all but the most saturated spell slinger decks will like the free creature so much they won’t mind it.

I love this cycle of cards! I feel like Wizards is going back in this direction with recent design choices and that makes me very happy!

Thanks for checking in for the weekly blog! I wish you many close games this week at the table!



Free Hugs and the Art of Giving Away Wins


The Ban List Fan