May 10th, 2021

Demonstrate and Other Fun Keywords!

  I love the new Demonstrate cards and I hope we see more of these! It reminds me of the tempting offer cards but I feel like these are headed in an even better direction. Let’s take a look at some of the previous keywords that feel like the spiritual successors to Demonstrate...

Council’s dilemma - I think as far as political play these are all just bad. I guess our opponents get to pick what kind of annoyed they are gonna be at us but we won’t be making any allies with these! Expropriate and Selvala’s Stampede are the two commonly played ones and they are definitely powerful but not exactly political!

Will of the council - These were definitely better but most of them are still very one sided. Coercive Portal is interesting because in most games there will be board states that are bad for three out of four players at the table. Split Decision creates some interesting situations as well. You can counter an unpopular spell with it or duplicate a much needed piece of removal. It should be noted that using this to counter a Counterspell works every time. It either gets countered outright if denial gets more votes or you can duplicate it and target the Counterspell with it if duplication gets more votes.

The rest of them won’t make you any allies but Council’s Judgement is a fun way to vote a non land permanent off the island! No one aside from the player who played it wants a Hullbreacher or a Narset in play!

Tempting offer - This is where it starts to get interesting! Even though Tempt with Discovery is the only one of these that sees much play I love the design behind these cards! They help the player who played them the most for sure and they are a great way to gauge how well your politics are working. 

Tempt with Discovery is my favorite of the lot but I feel like they could all find a home in the right deck! Tempt with Reflections is very fun and can get a bit whacky if the creature you make a copy of has an ETB or has an interesting ability! Notice that the Tempting offer is for your opponent to get a copy of the creature you copied, not a copy of one of their creatures. This keeps you in the drivers seat for what kind of power boost this gives the table.

Join forces - These cards are some of my favorite on this list! Sometimes it takes a little heads up so people keep mana open to help pay for these in the early game. All of these are very fitting for the color they are in too! Shared Trauma can be very powerful and other graveyard players at the table are always happy to pay mana into it! If you can get four plus mana paid into Collective Voyage early on, it will make for a very interesting game!

Join forces is a great keyword and It feels like these came from the same design space as Demonstrate!

Demonstrate - First of all we gotta talk about what a flavor win Demonstrate is! The feel of a classroom really comes through! Let me show you how to do this, and watch one more time… Now you! I love it!

These are more than a flavor win though! I have talked a lot in the past about the value of selective help for the table and Demonstrate really comes through on that front! If I’m in the right color I always play Scheming Symmetry and these cards have the same feel. What’s more is that they are all very useful and they reward you for playing politically!

Evacuation Technique is really flexible! It can rid the board of three threats, it gives out treasures to soften the blow and it spreads the blame between you and an ally! It can even be used as ramp in a pinch! If you and a player team up and kill three tokens on your own board you would get six treasure tokens! Sounds like a pretty weird scenario but I find myself in situations in Commander games all the time where if I just had an extra mana or two…

That’s all for this week!

What do you think about the Demonstrate cards? Let me know on Twitter @marksquare_! I wish you successful demonstrations at the table this week!



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